Scienoteq Group
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Detailed Information

For the most part, Scienoteq is established to Enlighten the Research and Interchange, Expand and Spread the Comprehension. It will be a voice of Inspiration for meeting Professionals to inspire the onlookers of Meeting. Our Scientific Conferences facilitate Researchers to gift their work on a world stage and facilitate them to receive well-built course in their Zone of Expertise.

It is mainly attentive on the recent advancements and developments in the fields of Science, Technology and Engineering as of whole sphere. Our objective is expansion of the knowledge in science and it discoveries that leads its way to new inventions which structures brilliant benefits and for humans in their lives.
Our primary Motto is to bring brilliant experiences that delight attendees, encourage Young researchers, achieve desired results and elevate the impact of the meetings overseas.

Scienoteq conducts a well-structured conference with participation opportunities with Poster Presentation, Oral Presentations, Panel Discussions, Workshops, Symposium, Delegate/Student Delegate and Young Research Forum.

Finally your participation is our success, our success is your satisfaction.


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