SEGE 2023
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Smart energy grid engineering is a rapidly evolving field that is at the forefront of the global energy transition towards a sustainable future. The development of smart energy grids, which integrate advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analytics into the traditional power grid, has become a key priority for governments, utilities, and industry stakeholders around the world. This emerging field encompasses a broad range of disciplines, including power systems engineering, control and automation, energy storage and management, renewable energy integration, and cybersecurity. As the world continues to face urgent challenges related to climate change, energy security, and sustainable development, smart energy grid engineering is expected to play an increasingly critical role in shaping the future of the global energy landscape.

The SEGE conference aims at providing an opportunity to discuss various engineering challenges of smart energy grid design and operation by focusing on advanced methods and practices for designing different components and their integration within the grid. It also provides a forum for researchers from academia and professionals from industry, as well as government regulators to tackle these challenges, and discuss and exchange knowledge and best practices about design and implementation of Smart Energy Grids.


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