State of Social
Contact Information

Akadamics Publishers Directory is a free online directory for publishers, academic event organisers, and publishing service providers.

State of Social is just one of over 2000 publishing company profiles in our database.

If you represent a publishing company or an event organiser that belongs here and is not already profiled, you can submit a request to be listed in the publishers’ directory. it is totally free.

Detailed Information

State of Social ’23 picks up where SOS22 left off, packing a year’s worth of essential marketing education, inspiration and networking into two huge fun-packed days at Optus Stadium.

For our sixth year, we’re upping the ante once again, bringing even more world-class speakers, thought leaders and practitioners to Perth to share their insights into the future of digital.

Once again, Day One will be jam-packed with refreshing, challenging keynotes and breakout sessions hosted by international marketing icons and local legends, all sharing new ideas, emerging trends and eye-opening case studies.

And our usual Day Two smorgasbord of workshops returns with even more practical workshops covering everything, from strategy to creativity and boosting your ROI to protecting your IP.


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