University of Chicago Press
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1427 East 60th Street Chicago IL, Illinois, United States

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Detailed Information

Since its origins in 1890 as one of the three main divisions of the University of Chicago, the Press has embraced as its mission the obligation to disseminate scholarship of the highest standard and to publish serious works that foster public understanding, provide an authoritative foundation for informed dialogue, and enrich the diversity of cultural life. Our publications actively engage with timely issues and debates and are written by authors who are the foremost experts in their fields. Through our books and journals, we seek not only to advance scholarly conversation within and across traditional disciplines but, in keeping with the University of Chicago’s experimental tradition, to help define new areas of knowledge and intellectual endeavor.

In addition to publishing the results of research for communities of scholars, the Press presents innovative scholarship in ways that inform and engage general readers. We develop reference works that draw upon and support the emphases of our scholarly programs and that extend the intellectual reach of the Press, and we publish significant non-scholarly work by writers, artists, and intellectuals from within and beyond the academy; translations of important foreign-language texts, both historical and contemporary; and books that contribute to the public’s understanding of Chicago and its region. In all of this, the Press is guided by the judgment of individual editors who work to build a broad but coherent publishing program engaged with authors and readers around the world.

The Press also recognizes the obligation to match the form of our publications to our readers’ needs by pursuing innovations in print and electronic technologies. In our books and journals programs as well as in our distribution business, the Press pioneers new ways of extending the availability and accessibility of knowledge, and the intellectual exchange that thrives on them.

In all its endeavors, the Press values diversity, equity, and inclusion. We believe that to fulfill our mission to publish and disseminate meaningful scholarship of the highest standard, we must ensure an inclusive workplace culture where diverse perspectives, experiences, individuals, and ideas are encouraged and thrive.

But this is not enough. As a university press, our mission is to publish ideas that make a positive difference in the world and this includes giving voice to those who have been silenced. Throughout our history, we have had an important role in supporting authors whose work sheds light on racial and social injustice. We are committed to finding new ways to amplify work by Black and other historically underrepresented scholars and encourage research that offers critical insight into the racial disparities and other injustices in our society.



University of Chicago Press: Journals
Journal of the Association of Environmental and...
As an official research journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Econom […]
American Journal of Sociology
Established in 1895 as the first US scholarly journal in its field, the American Journal […]
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