World Research Society
Contact Information

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World Research Society is just one of over 2000 publishing company profiles in our database.

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Detailed Information

Worldresearchsociety welcomes all the Doctors, Scientists, Engineers Professionals, Researchers, Scholars, and Medical and Health, Engineering Colleges and Universities to join us to exchange information and ideas; in accordance with our objective to facilitate this, we call upon to network with us.

To encourage regional and international communication and collaboration; promote professional interaction and lifelong learning; recognize outstanding contributions of individuals and organizations; encourage scholar researchers to pursue studies and careers in circuit branches and their applications.

To organize Lectures, Conferences, Seminars, and Competitions for the betterment of society and to equip one person to face this world in a much better/skilled way; To give Scholarships for the needy/under-privileged section of the students for their education, research, and developmental activity; also to hold awards to promote education, research and developmental activity in the area of the interest.


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