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Is your advertising getting result “Not at all? Last week we employed a night watchman and the next night we were robbed”.
To a very reasonable extent the long run survival, effectiveness and growth of an organization depends solely on the caliber of persons or employees at it’s disposal. This is so because the caliber of person help to determine the shape of the organization. Recruitment therefore is one of the most sensitive function of personnel department which deals on employment of workers in an organization.
Recruitment is a process of finding out potential candidates for actual or anticipated vacancies in an organization. Recruitment is also looked at a linking activity bringing together those with job to fill and those seeking job. The major concern of the personnel department therefore is usually how and where to get the best materials for the organization.
How to get the best materials can stem directly from the personnel department because of its vast knowledge of the required job content or specification. Where this vast knowledge is lacking then the use of job reacquisition which convey the requisite information will give the recruiting manager adequate information as to be able to fill the particular position.
The job requisition form usually highlight/accessories such as job title, department and its location, age range, qualification, experience required and the prospect offered by the job.
It is vital in requirement, if not properly applied it will result in work inefficiency, individual desertification and labour turnover. Recruitment actually entail activity and creatively looking out for the persons with certain qualities desired by the organization and at same time encouraging them to apply it either for the advertised or unadvertised position in the company. A good recruitment exercise or programme should attract the qualified and not attract the unqualified. This objective will minimize the cost of processing unqualified field candidates.
In human resources planning, job analysis clarifies the characteristic of job being done and the individual qualification that are necessary for the jobs with a pool of qualified applicants this is where the process of screening, qualified applicant comes in. and this is one of the major objectives of selection.
Thus, selection is the process by which prospective candidates for employment are screened and decisions are reached for those to be employed and those not to be employed. It actually involves deciding on suitable and unsuitable candidate through the process of screening. The screening method adopted by the employer varies from organizations to organizations, but the most common element amongst organizations is that decision is reached at the end of the day to hire a particular candidates depending on the organization.
In view of the above, some scholars prefer to call selections the “rejection process” while others call it the negative process because often times it involves the rejection of more candidates than those actually employed by an organization to ensure its effectiveness,
“Legislation promotion equality of opportunity has underlines that importance of using well validate section procedure and there is increasing emphasis on ensuring that the selection process discrimination is fair and not unfair between applicant.
It is believed that every organization needs to have well trained and experienced employees to perform the activities that have to be done to bring about organizational effectiveness. It is necessary to raise the skill levels and increase the versatility and adaptability of employees. The importance of employee or highly sophisticated and complex society and organization have created increased pressure for organization to adopt the type of skill necessary to complete a particular job.
Training is a learning experience in that it seeks relatively permanent change in an individual so that his/her ability to perform a job will improve. We should typically say that training involves the changing of skills, knowledge, attitude or social behaviour. It means changing what an employee know, how he works, his attitude towards his work or his interaction with his co workers, his work or his behaviour of his supervisor.
According to Beach (1980), training is the organized procedure by which people learn from a definite purpose. The purpose of training is to achieve a change in behaviour of those trained.
Ubeku (1975) say training is a continuous process in any organization which agrees with Beach definition.
This research is born out of the belief that recruitment selection and training are vital for the effectiveness and survival of an organization for growth to be pronounced, the caliber of its work force must be the determining factor. Human Resources are just inevitable in any establishment.
But the questions we need to ask are:
Is the recruitment, selection and training policies adopted in the organization, the one that is generally acceptable?
Has the organization (Cadbury) applied the ergonomic that I matching the right worker with the right job.
Has the organization (Cadbury Nigeria Plc) allowed the environmental constrain to affect its recruitment, selection and training policy?
How can recruitment, selection and training procedure is improved upon in the organization
This research study will attempt to provide answer to the above mentioned questions and other relevant question useful to the recruitment, selection and training about organization.
The broad objective of the study is to examine the role of recruitment, selection and training as a tool for organization effectiveness. The specific objectives are as follows:
To determine the extent to which ineffective recruitment, selection and training may result in labour shortage
To find out if success or failure of organization are largely due to the caliber of its work force.
To examine whether laid down procedure for security of management caliber for filling up vacancies and functions of the post must be correctly understood and defined.
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